Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feel like smoothening your GWT Development...

GWT Designer helps kick start your GWT development. GWT Designer™ is a GUI creator that supports GWT. Use GWT Designer's visual tools and wizards, and Java code will be generated for you. You don't need to write any lines of Java code, but you can fully edit the resulting Java if you wish.
Below are the list of features cited -
"GWT Designer™ from Instantiations is powerful, easy-to-use, and bi-directional. With its WYSIWYG tools, you can easily:
- add controls using drag-and-drop.
- add event handlers to your controls.
- change various properties of controls using a property editor.
- change and refactor its generated code and see it immediately in the visual designer.
- reverse engineer code created by hand.

So, don't wait to try it out here. It comes with a 15 day trial period, which I believe is enough time frame to get you hooked.

Yow will soon find out its worth the effort. Just download the 90 MB installer and point it to your favorite eclipse installation directory. And you are all set.

Wannabe iPhone App Developer...

Have fun exploring the following sites -

The KamiCrazy development blog
The official iPhone development site
Idevgames - a developers site
Iphonedevsdk - a community development forum
Mobile Orchard - information and useful blog posts 
148apps - an app review site